Wednesday 2 April 2014

Jack was very depressed following his wife Jill's death. For an hour he poured out his heart. Now, catharsis is good; it can show you what needs to be dealt with. But talk alone doesn't change anything. So his counsellor asked, 'If the situation was reversed and you'd died first, what would you want Jill to do?' Immediately he replied, 'Go on and enjoy life.' The minute he verbalised it a light within him came on and he said, 'I've been feeling sorry for myself too long. We both hated it when people did that. I'm going to live and find purpose again.' He did, and the next time Jack and his counsellor spoke he had begun to rebuild his life. The pain was still there, but he'd started to transcend it by taking action. Some people get through their grief faster than others; sadly, some never do. But you don't have to be one of them! God will turn your mourning into joy if you let God in. God can reframe your past and give it meaning. God can help you to look back with gratitude, then forward with confidence. How? By transforming painful memories into powerful motivators and sources of future wisdom. Ask God to show you how!

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