Wednesday 2 April 2014

God has given you talents and wants you to use them. They may lie dormant under layers of failure, fear or low self-esteem. You may be aware of them, yet not know how to put them to work. Maybe you've been going from relationship to relationship hoping to find someone who will acknowledge what's within you and draw it out

God has given you talents and wants you to use them. They may lie dormant under layers of failure, fear or low self-esteem. You may be aware of them, yet not know how to put them to work. Maybe you've been going from relationship to relationship hoping to find someone who will acknowledge what's within you and draw it out. Only God who placed your talents within you knows where they're hidden and how to release them. Delayed destiny is the Darksides delight. By not allowing God to develop your talents you play into the Darksides hands, living far below your potential. The fact is; you have so much treasure buried within you that the Darkside is out to steal it. You don't try to rob somebody unless they have something worth taking, right? Your talents may be raw and undeveloped, or buried under years of self-doubt, unforgiveness, bad habits, regret and despair. But God can take something that looks like nothing, and create something wonderful with it. Just think: God made the earth from nothing - so imagine what God can do when God has something to start with! Today pray, 'Lord, help me to recognise and maximise the talents You have placed within me, and use them for Your glory.' That's a prayer God will answer

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