Wednesday 2 April 2014

When your world has been shaken, always remember, God is Faithful! In a world of uncertainty you can shout, 'On God the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.' Your job, your health, your relationships and your investments are all 'sinking sand'. But God's faithfulness is as solid as a rock. God will be faithful to you in the delivery room, in the operating room, in the nursing home, in the unemployment line, and during marriage counselling. Focusing on Gods faithfulness will keep you from falling apart, giving up, having a nervous breakdown or losing your mind. Be honest; hasn't God been better to you than you've been to God? Hasn't God been faithful when you've been unfaithful, and consistent when you've been inconsistent? When God gives you a gift, it won't be taken back. When God makes you a promise, it won't be broken. Why is this important to know? Because when you begin to see God's faithfulness to you, it will make you want to be faithful to God.

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