Sunday, 29 December 2013

..."They say what we dislike in others is only what we dislike about our-self, yet many will refuse to acknowledge this, as we carry a fear of facing our own inner shadow which only keeps us blind to our own patterns, for we must transcend the darkness in order to discover the light we carry inside.

..."They say what we dislike in others is only what we dislike about our-self, yet many will refuse to acknowledge this, as we carry a fear of facing our own inner shadow which only keeps us blind to our own patterns, for we must transcend the darkness in order to discover the light we carry inside. 

Its not that we are all monsters, but its more that we all have that potential to tap into that darker energy, as far too many of us overlook our own anger and refuse to admit that this current exists within us. 

Just as every monster has within them-self the energy of a saint and every saint has the potential energy of a monster, the One who clings to one side or the other to much only allows these spectrum of currents to flow within silently without notice.

 As looking closer to the inner life does reveal what psychologist call the unconscious mind, the unseen influence which is continuous throughout humankind. These are not opinions but considered scientific facts, for what are considered archetypes, are the universal energies which interpenetrate throughout each and every-One of us. 

They are visible, as they can be seen in action, they are knowable, for they have been labeled and documented for future generations to make sense of these patterns that are unfolding. For the EYE that looks at life from a higher dimensional view, does discover the larger pattern that is continuous within me and you!" ~Alistar Valadez...
Art by: Alex Grey

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