..."Dreams are reflections of our current state of consciousness, when they are dull and boring to the point we do not even remember them, then we should worry, but when they are intense and vivid they can be seen as a Divine Moment of Truth. Dreams can inspire us or they can haunt us, IT depends on the lesson we need in this moment, as our dreams are experiences that can lead us to our expansion or decay, just like our everyday living experiences.
Sometimes we repeat the same dreams until we can get past a certain lesson, for if we live a life carrying our fears within us, we can never transcend our limitations. When we Awaken in our dreams we suddenly have the power to make choices and changes, as we shift and transcend beyond our fears and limitations, but if we are not awake then we only unconsciously react to what unfolds before us, just like many of us in everyday living. When we are deep in our dreams, we are unaware that we are dreaming, until one goes through the process of awakening, then the relief sets as we realize, 'IT was only a dream.'
So the question then arises, how do we know if we are not dreaming during the day? As they say, most of us go through daily life reacting through our unconscious mind, is this not similar to our sleeping state of being? If it takes a Awakening to realize that we are dreaming, how can we be certain that in this life we are not also dreaming, if we do not go through the process of a Awakening? Is life as rigid and permanent as science would like us to believe, or is there something to this life that is eluding our perceptions?
Synchronicities and coincidences could be seen as the calling cards of our dreams, for there is far more mystery in our lives then most care to admit. We all spend at least one third of our lives with our eyes closed as we lay down to sleep, yet when will we begin to open our EYE when we are not in bed fast asleep, during the day and night? The EYE that is open and Awake, can SEE through the illusion of their daily dreams, for only by taking a closer look at our daily life, reveals our reflection in this continuously unfolding living mirror!" ~Alistar Valadez...
Art by: Android Jones
Art by: Android Jones
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