Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The world is my country.. All mankind are my brethren.. and to do good is my religion....

The world is my home, the sky my blanket,..

Every positive thought propels you in the right direction...

Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know....

Remember remember remember... make this clear.... never be negative...

Mother Nature has it's own plans.. for survival ...

Happy happy new year ....

2014... no regrets.. just LOVE...and HAPPINESS please..

We can't change our yesterdays, but we can change our tomorrows...

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE... flows through all those who believe in love and stay in love for many many years to come...

Beautiful... loving you for life.. loving you forever...

Trust the unfolding of your life.....

Every step is on the path..yes.. ts so true..

Evolve to solve... since we are all here...

From Mosco..Happy New Year...

LOVELY HAPPY BEAUTIFUL MERRY GREAT NEW YEAR 2014 TO EVERYONE HERE...Be smiling... You and me have flipped the pages of the calender and now it is the first page.. with fresher and refreshed goals and visions... Cheers...

Happy New Year!

Monday, 30 December 2013

Stunning indeed... eagle..

Two - work in pairs.. Zero - zero to negatives.. One - One definite goal... Four ..Peaceful in all four seasons of the year...

2014 explained...
Two - work in pairs..
Zero - zero to negatives..
One - one definite goal
Four - peaceful in all four seasons of the year....

Choose to be.. it can be either way..

Wish everyone MERRY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014


“The recognition that essentially you are the world, that there is no subject/object split, that there is no separation between you and “all that is” - this realization, even at the conceptual level, changes consciousness. When this realization gets in deeper and becomes more self evident, consciousness changes again, and again, and again as one lives their life more consciously. And this elevated state of consciousness affects all consciousness around it - like ripples on the pond of collective consciousness. Ripples can become waves and waves become tsunamis. And it begins with willingness, with intention, with you, right here, right now. The quality of your awakening, awakens the world around you.” ~ Eric Allen Bell Artist: Sam Brown - Art & Design —

“I once listened to an Indian on television say that God was in the wind and the water, and I wondered at how beautiful that was because it meant you could swim in Him or have Him brush your face in a breeze.” ~ Donald Miller Artwork: americanpsycho —

What do you learn from this picture?


"Everyone is my teacher. Some I seek. Some I subconsciously attract. Often I learn simply by observing others. Some may be completely unaware that I’m learning from them, yet I bow deeply in gratitude." ~ Eric Allen Artwork: Louis Dyer - Visionary Artist

The universe can be thought of as a giant symphony of sound, with each entity represented by a unique underlying numeric property or unique sound. All things are nothing more than an expression of something numeric or harmonic. You can see the creator in the order and harmony of the Universe. Geometry is God itself. The universe is a musical instrument and everything in it is vibrating in tune with the larger things that contain it. Artwork: Alexander Groseth's Art

"Learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment." ~ Deepak Chopra Artwork: Morrigan Art

Somehow the ancient yogis knew what scientists today are telling us–that the entire universe is moving. Nothing is ever solid or still. Everything that exists pulsates, creating a rhythmic vibration that the ancient yogis acknowledged with the sound of Aum. We may not always be aware of this sound in our daily lives, but we can hear it in the rustling of the autumn leaves, the waves on the shore, the inside of a seashell. — with Zaila Strong'e.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein

Divine love notes.. What is truth?

  What is truth?

I had the luxury in life of meeting up with a very special group of people for a short time years ago (under bizarre circumstances and it was all soooo cooool! lool) and that experience was so (r)evolutionary, that it changed me through and through - who I know myself to be now would have been inconceivable to me twenty years ago when I was CERTAIN of the truth of pain and suffering. I am being prompted to post this question and also to share my experience because in me is the desire to see fellow human beings shed the heaviness, the weight, of the mind and its imaginings.

So we, this serious group of people who hail from mostly professional backgrounds (there were a few lawyers, a professor of medicine and PhD, a salon owner, a student of law, a psychiatrist) got together to do consciousness experiments in conjunction with light and energy healing intervention, if you will, once a week at minimum.

Actually, they were so familiar with this stuff that by the time I encountered them - my mentors as I think of them now - that they treated the whole circumstance of my healing like it was no big deal and simply said nothing much about it in advance - other than a polite and respectful explanation of what they do - kind of like an MD before a colonoscopy. lool That was all good - if they had mentioned anything about what I could expect after the session, it would have been far less convincing to me - I would have wondered 'is this the product of an unconscious expectation or is it the real thing?'

The experiment was to do light healing and notice - with serious mindedness and without egoic attachment to any outcome or condition - any change in the person, the subject, being healed. Of course there is no separation or distinction between healer and test subject, so included in this process was for each to note his/her own processes before and after light healing session(s) as well - and for us all to kind of get together and discuss what we observed - ie: cold, heat in the subject's energy field, energetic disturbances, effects to other parts of the energy field as one of us would work on the head or the legs or whatever - and then there would be comparisons made, ie: in the case of cancer, doing X had no apparent consequence to the left hemisphere of the head but in the case of chronic fatigue, working over X body part did, etc.

Anyway... my introduction to this 'work' was as a subject - and the condition at the time was not physical. It was simply heavy emotional suffering. As this was my first interaction with lighthealing and these people, I just had no idea what to expect ... and it was all so eerie... loool - we had a nice dinner together, there was nice conversation - these were folks I would befriend just because like me, they're down to earth and ... as my earthy brain likes to think of things, 'in touch with reality.' No one was expecting any space landings anytime soon, and if they had, I would have walked out - just because that doesn't resonate with me.

I was nervous, scared - but by then, they already knew my issues - they had asked me over dinner and I told them some of the background and the fundamental family dynamics that seem to repeat themselves over and over again. No one ever mentioned the concept that these dynamics could remain the same but that with a shift in consciousness I would not even perceive them.

I could write a book about the lighthealing session. It lasted a good three hours and it totally felt like I was getting a head to toe surgery but I was light as a feather and experienced freedom from the body while still being in it - and saw and felt amazing things. But nothing compared to when they roused me at the end of the session to 'wake up' and they asked me, "How do you feel?" and it was like ??? - why would I feel less than perfect? loool When someone asked an open ended question about a family member, I couldn't even fathom the reason for the question and instantly said, "Oh that's fine! Why do you ask?"- truly I was absolutely mystified that something could be bothering me - much less family or any human being. The entire group burst out laughing because just two hours earlier my truth was that it was so 'bad' that I would never speak to my family again.

(Oh and yes ... I observed this exact phenomenon - same identical results - only from the 'other side of the table' if you will - as a coparticipating 'healer' listening and observing other 'subjects' come out of a healing session)

So ... where was the truth? Was it in the former or latter perspective? Well, the truth was always there. See, the vibration we occupy is what delivers our perspective to us - and that perspective is the framework for truth. So at 200 (I was actually vibing at less than 200 over the dinner table), my perspective was 'things are hopeless,' and the suffering was dense as could be. Coming off the energy session, my vibration was at least 700 - decently in the state of bliss. The bliss came about, the family dynamic was identical, only my truth then was "What pain and suffering?" - OMG I never saw six people laugh harder in my whole life. I still chuckle myself remembering this all - and how mystified I was that anyone thought I ever had pain and suffering!

(Another point of mystification not five minutes after the session and lasting for at least 12 hours was the fact of having a physical body: it was as if I had never had one. I remember sitting on the massage table facing the group of healers, speaking and feeling like my head was colliding with the ceiling - no drugs were involved - I promise you. THAT is what is remarkable about all this. Then in the weeks that followed, my eyes changed color, skin tone underwent a noticeable change - wrinkles seemed to disappear more and more each day - but I didn't really care - I was too busy sleeping to really notice (I did have to sleep at least 12 hours a day for two weeks - food was very unnecessary - I only needed to waken to drink water, go to the bathroom, and returned to sleep.) When the hibernation period ended, I was lit up like a Christmas tree and any appliance that was broken somehow was fixed just by me touching it - and the folks who had met me before my reconnective healing session told me later they barely recognized me - and I was like... ??? really? - and we went through the did you change your hair, did you lose weight thing - and it was really quite hilarious. Over and over again, this would happen - until then I had assumed that the physical changes I observed in the mirror were purely my imagination at work. They weren't. None of this is anything you can imagine when you experience this first hand. It really is mind-blowing stuff).

By the way, the fact that physical healings of miraculous nature do occur at frequencies of 850+ and the fact that at 600+ we are beyond the reach or scope of emotional pain makes it totally worthwhile to seek out consciousness-enhancing experience of this sort because until one does, one can't say they truly know themselves: they know only the version of truth the worldly vibrations will show them. And this is equally true about how we view 'other.'

(No do not do drugs to get this result - they are a substance. What made this vibrational high possible was substance (human beings) transcending separation and apparent form and entering oneness with the subject, one another and universe all at the same time. And that is only ever what brings healings about - the less self involved, the less awareness of any boundary or border of self, the greater the quanta of love and light).

Ultimately, it is ONLY Peace Love and Light that is truth. All else is merely the product of separated mind operating with shame and fear built into the thinking machinery - but we would not know this other than to experience otherwise. In this sense this post is offered as a proxy - because of the rarity of the experience I was privileged to have. May all human beings get to experience this stuff is all I can say!

So ... Peace, Love and Light! hehe ... and forgive the length of the post - but it is offered in the spirit of helpfulness. Some posts may seem 'out there' on occasion but that's where the truth is! Hopefully the human making the posts can catch up to where she never left. hehehe


Photo Credit: Josephine Wall.

The quality of mind delivers the look and feel of life ~ the choice is ours: Do we want to reinforce the notion of difficulty and struggle, which just gets ego-bolstering rightness OR are we willing to let go of all that and go with the internal flow of abundance, where reside ease and convenience ~ the harvest of inmost Peace Love and Light? This is the question life asks in each moment, and faithfully serves up the results of our answer. Wooohoooo! Let's go and pick some fruit! — with Analie Paug Bansilay

The secret to feeling your abundant nature is to open your heart, and fully embrace the abundance that has already blessed your life. Let your armor melt away. Remove any shielding around your heart and imagine throwing it into a big fire. Breathe deeply and physically open your arms wide, inviting this abundant Universe into your heart. With each in-breath, imagine that EVERYTHING in the entire Universe is pouring into your heart; all the stars, planets, Earth, and all its people. Feel how truly abundant life already is. Let your heart welcome it all! — with Alan W Tempest

"When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears." ~Anthony Robbins

"Start believing in yourself and the world will start believing in you." ~Vijay Thadani The words you say to yourself are the most powerful manifesting vehicles. Each message that you think internally and say externally carries a certain vibrational energy that programs the cells in your body....((( ))) — with Cherri Burren Wilson,

"Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live." ~ Nicolas de Chamfort The golden secret to manifesting financial success is gently holding your attention on the FEELING of receiving financial abundance while at the same time not demanding it shows up...

Become aware of the sacredness of your breath...

You are not alone...

Get as close to love as you can.... and all will fall into place...

We can each help someone in some way....

Avoid the 4 C's of unhappiness.... criticizing, complaining, condemning and comparing...., Watch how your day improves.....

Happier 2014 incoming with abundance and love and more love...

Happy New Year!

Yeah.. at one point of time...

Reflecting.. how it was once upon a time so very young and planted by that someone.. We ought to learn that we must continue to be that farmer, despite of any age.. for tomorrow.. for the future something beautiful and awesome...

Great self affirming...

Who are you? Do you whisper that question quietly to yourself? I am Infinite... I am Divine... I am Possibilities...♥♥♥ Rae

Passages...a pathway leading from one place to another....a journey we travel....our life is filled with physical and emotional passages. Even if unprepared at times, our goal is to try our best to "travel them well" ♥♥♥ Rae

The words you speak become the house you live in... be ware.. be aware of this ..

Today we understand that the future of humanity very much depends on our planer, and that the future of the planet very much depends on HUMANITY...

LIFE is sacred.. LIFE is beautiful... mystical activism..

UNIFY.. only through UNITY that LOVE is that common language...