Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Am a an alchemist, am a healer. am a friend.. am a teacher.. am a mother... am everything.......And I look upon everyone of us to be 'diamond's in the making...

After decades into health issues, 
some people wondered who and what I am...  
sometimes I myself can't really figure out..
Eventually I understand this role of me I am....

Am a a alchemist, am a healer..
am a friend... am a teacher... am a mother..
Am everything they thought I am in discourse..
I really know who and what I am of course...

Yes, after decades of consistent integrity.....
Persistent and intuitive focus on love and humanity..
All in all adds into my miles of understanding...
All in all adding into my smiles of comprehending..

Wisdom not knowledge has a mark here raised..
While the scar of pains and sufferings erased..  
Yet enriching and adding into the who I was..
Upgrading the natural baby me yet the I am...

Who aren't a crawling ignorant baby before?
Who didn't fall and pick oneself up again and again...
The tadpole who soon loses its swimming tail..
Growing into a finer little frog yet to mature...

These learning stages of me, you, he, she or us...
These growing stages of everyone here of us..
These adapting stages.. of everyone here on earth...
These evolving stages... and the transforming us..

All are teachers and leaders in the making..
All are mature frogs and butterflies in the making..
All are evolving and transforming into another better us..
All are ascending into maturity, into higher densities of us..

That's the time and purpose of me..
While growing, while evolving, while transforming..
Am there to touch, to add, to enhance, to show, to love..
To pacify, to lead, to comfort, to share, to help, to inspire, to heal..

That's the role expected of me and of who I am...
That's the gift wrapped to be sent out as presents..
The ONENESS I see and feel, the awakening as ONENESS then..
So as we all evolve out to be fine and enlightened specimens....

Yes, truth is higher than all religions..
Its language is just pure unconditional love..
That is kind and healing.. that is love and love itself...
Connecting its body, mind, heart and soul, the intimate ultimate us..

Yes, we are that part of the greater LOVE..
Thus we are all LOVE incarnated... LOVE empowered..
LOVE in action... LOVE inspiring.. LOVE ever growing..
LOVE permeated.. LOVE soaked... LOVE innate...

Thus am just that vessel to contain and be of concern..
Of off the grid aids and miraculous unexplained purposes...
We are all in ONE and in ONEness we are all...
The spirit of peace and harmony prevail in us all......

Yes, we are all LOVE at its best..
LOVE ignited and afire.... LOVE at large..
LOVE in action.. LOVE never fiction...
LOVE alight.. LOVE aflight.... yes, just PURE LOVE.. 

we all are....

Lessons of life...


Memory & Concentration...

IMMUNE BOOSTING POINTS: K27 is one of the most potent immune boosting health points. This K27 point is underneath the hollow of the protruding collar bones. Firmly hold for 2 minute with slow, deep breaths. Learn more from 3 Free Acupressure videos on colds & flu here: This link gives you 3 FREE great hands-on videos and good healing info.

DEPRESSION, SWALLOW BREATHING, Insomnia, Colds & Flus, Chest Tightness, Congestion, Coughing, Agitation & Breathing Difficulties. Learn how to relieve these in 3 Free Videos offered for a limited time here: Hold Lu1 with your thumbs & reach your fingertips to the center of your breastbone to hold CV17. Breathe slowly & deeply. Get these free video clips for full instructions.

INSOMNIA & STRESS: UPPER BACK KNOTS: Stress or trauma tends to get stored in these upper back points which can affect your sleep, breathing, circulation, emotions & more. Lie down on 2 tennis balls tied in a sock & breathe deeply for 2 minutes, 2 times daily. *Last time to get 3 Free How-to Video clips to relieve Cough, Colds & Flu click here:

BOOST your HEALTH & VITALITY: Relieves fatigue, tiredness & stiffness. Make fists. Briskly rub St36, outside of your shin below your knee 3 to 5 times daily for 1 full minute to obtain a longer life. It actually works! I am sending you this tip to boost your health, because it’s my aim in life to make this a better world. For more Acupressure tips in 4 free videos, click here: These video clips contain 100% useful, practical & healing info.

HEAL your HEART & SPIRIT: Place your palms together firmly, pressing the back knuckles of your thumbs into CV17, a great emotional healing point. Close you eyes & breathe deeply for 3 full minutes. Focus on your heart as you breathe deeply into it. Practice twice a day. Heighten this healing mediation by listening to this song with the volume turned-up. Breathe deeply with your eyes closed.

MOST FAMOUS POINT for relieving nausea, an upset stomach, anxiety, nervousness & panic attacks. P6 is the most widely used point in scientific research. Why? Because it really works to calm & soothe your body, so it’s good to know. P6 is located 3 finger-widths above the center of your inner wrist crease

Headache points...


Words are the most powerful drug used by humankind...

We can learn more from examples, than from exams..

Knowledge is taught, wisdom is learned....

Knowledge is what we learn... wisdom is what we do with knowledge....

God chose LOVE to unite humanity, not religion....

Love is God's greatest gift...

Religion has brought humanity more war than peace...

RESPECT, HELP, LOVE many many OTHERS... These are the keys that unlock our soul....

The true sign of strength is GENTLENESS...

For reference...from


From Ayurveda

HAPPY people focus on what they have.... UNHAPPY people focus on what's missing....

Healthier tips from Ayurveda

No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all... INTEGRITY IS EVERYTHING....

Orange essential oil...

The tragedy of life is not that it ends too soon... but it is that we wasted and waited too long to begin it....

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Take nothing personal... nothing is forever permanent .. change is the only constant.... feel the freedom that comes to us when we take nothing personally...

True... WE NEVER LOSE.. EITHER WE WIN OR WE LEARN... that's the real learning attitude.....

Whoever said this is so true.... When we had nothing, we were strong and faithful.. when we have something, we should even be more strong and thankful.. what more to say.. when we have everything, we still desperately need and love GOD AS MUCH IF NOT MORE...

An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place and circumstance... The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break...

True love is reciprocal.. in thoughts and actions... seed more... spread more... all comes back sweet and powerful...

Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is.. rather than as you think it should be...... Wayne

Freedom is being you without anyone's permission........

Your work.. or lets put it as OUR WORKS... is not to drag the world, kicking and screaming into a new awareness.. Your job is to simply do your work.. sacredly, secretly and silently.. and those with ;eyes to see and ears to hear' will respond....

It is through watching the cycles of Nature that we more fully understand the cycles of our lives....

Both light and shadow are the dance of love..... so true... life is inclusive of all.. in all...

Love is the beauty of the soul....

The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light...

I love life.. I appreciate life... I care for life.. I am so much attuned to life.. Even if it is just a small butterfly, i won't disturb it... even if ' it' has been a burden so heavy.. I still can't afford to have it dead....