Friday 29 August 2014

THE LAW OF LEAST RESISTANCE....The law of least effort means that nature intelligently uses the path of least resistance in creating and evolving. That doesn’t mean we are supposed to passively accept every difficulty that comes our way like a doormat. If we follow the law of least effort we will be spiritually evolving, but that doesn’t mean that it will be emotionally easy. Healing the conditioning of our emotional past is liberating and strengthening in the end, but the process can be heart-wrenching, scary and full of doubts. Those reactions don’t really tell you if you are spiritually on track or not. What ultimately matters is whether, deep inside, beneath all the fear and confusion you can locate a quiet, loving voice from your core Being that says, ‘this is where you need to be and what you need to do right now.’ You don’t need to understand why, but if you listen to that guidance, you can be sure you are on the path of least resistance.... by Chopra Foundation...

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