Saturday, 31 August 2013


I have no sense of nationalism... only a cosmic consciousness of belonging to the human family....

Spiritual awakening...

Something to love.. something to hope for.. and someone to love...

Each of us is a tiny being, permitted to ride on the outermost skin of one of the smaller planes for a few dozen trips around the local star...

We love Mother Nature... Mother Nature loves us too much too....

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.. but even without.. beauty is still beauty throughout....

When there is peace and no war... we will have such a beautiful wonderful peaceful world... for u and me... for all...

Anything war can do, Peace can do better...

Yes, be connected through skype, yahoo messenger, whats up or WECHAT or line... just add using your handphone number...

It just got better and better..... don't just stand and look... be part of this wonderful high technology... You are one of the unique unique specimen.. You are the master of them.. to command and be of involving business.....

All in one... one in all.... marvelous... be connected with Wechat...just any smartphone can do regardless of location, distance or whosoever..... but remember... for good and noble reasons...

Mobile world makes communication so much easier... like planes make our travels faster and more efficient and comfortable... Ride the huge waves but do not get drown in the fun of it...Everyone can... We use them to maximize our efforts .. save time, save space.. save distance.. and the lots more...

Mobile world is even faster and easier... Almost everyone of us have smart phones... just download and use WECHAT to be connected with people that you want to be connected... Be there for a good cause.. many said WECHAT is not right, but why can't one use it for good and better purposes? A sharp knife is also dangerous but a surgeon used that to save lives,,,, be positive...

It's IT world.. people are now easily connected through laptops or pc at home or in their offices.... Be connected to learn and master good things... don't push away good things or good thoughts.. We all are in dire need for them....

Friday, 30 August 2013


Seek balance.. be balanced...


Marry me? I want you... I love you...

I want you... I love you...

Bird aflight....

Amazingly creative...

Amazing love...

Consider too that since you are SOURCE itself, that the psychic nature could really be seen right through all together as but the delightful show that your Source Self is putting on for you. Rather than placing a paranormal event outside of you, own it. See that it may be you in a creative moment playing with and choosing what will come next into your reality. It's no different than being on a super psychedelic journey of consciousness where source watches you and you watch it. It's all you. In fact, that is what reality is in the first place; a show just for you. A perfect mirroring process for your conscious growth.

How to tune into the spirit world..

How to Tune Into the Spirit World

By Michelle Beltran

Some Must-Knows

We are all psychic! Whether you know it or not or even believe it or not – you are psychic. You were born with this deep-seated intuitiveness. Having said that, we can all learn to play the piano but we may not all become Mozart-like in our level of piano playing. Everyone’s chosen path will be unique and valuable however regardless to what extent they take their intuitive knowing.

Remember that this journey is not about being a medium or psychic. Rather, it is about self-actualization and your own spiritual growth and advancement. Ask yourself, “What am I learning about myself?” as you open this door.

The ability to talk with spirit and/or be psychic is like a muscle. It absolutely gets stronger with time and practice. The challenge for most is not being psychic but rather believing that they are.

Golden Rules

Rule #1: There is no golden rule! This journey is unique and highly individual. Honor that.

Rule #2: Say what you see! Too often students are afraid to say what they are seeing or recognize it as truth. In so doing they lose valuable and meaningful information. What you are receiving always has meaning.

Rule #3: First-come first truth. As you open this door, trust what comes first. This will be what is most accurate.

Rule #4: You are the boss. Use your own higher knowing and intuition. It is always the most valuable information you can get. Trust in it. Your emotions and gut feeling about things are part of this intuitiveness.

Rule #5: Relax and let the information come. Enjoy the journey as it is a process and it is the ‘process’ that is the gift. Your desire to be right or ‘get’ images is ego and will hinder your connection.

Rule #6: Readings and healings and any other modality while using your intuitive abilities are done with permission of the reader.

Five Steps to Connect With Spirit

Set Your Intention
State out loud your intention to open this door to speak and receive messages from the Spirit World, be it on a personal level or in a formal reading session. The Universe has heard you. There is a divine plan much greater than you in this intention. Now, let it now be brought to you.

In your daily meditation be sure to quiet your logic, thinking left brain. Say hello and then good bye to your left brain. Make an agreement with your left brain that you will reconvene another time. Meditation and quieting your mind will assist in quicker and clearer connection with spirit.

Listening for signs, symbols and messages in your day is the next step in this journey. These may come in your dreams, in song, in synchronistic-like events in your day that strike you as coincidence. Coincidence is nonexistent. Have you ever been thinking of your loved one and reminded of the very special favorite song you two shared, then later that day you heard it on the radio? Indeed, this was your loved one.

Create a Reading Screen
Let’s start with your clairvoyance ability. The Reading Screen is your viewing reception. It is where you will receive images and pictures through which spirit may communicate. Using your mind’s eye, imagine a large movie screen out in front of you. Give it a grounding cord and secure it to the center of the earth. Now, ask your question. Or, ask for a message from spirit. Don’t demand, just ask. Let the answer come. Did you get black? Great! Black is a color. The first image that comes will be your answer, be it symbol or literal.

Use Your Clair Abilities
Connecting with the Spirit World requires the use of all of your senses: taste, touch, smell, hear, and see. We have what is known as Clair abilities. This involves taking our physical senses to a higher spiritual level. I call this ‘heightened sensing’. We have 7 Clair abilities:

Clairvoyance – Clear seeing

Claircognizance – Clear knowing

Clairauditory – Clear hearing

Clairgustance – Clear tasting

Clairolfactory – Clear smelling

Clairsentience – Clear feeling

Clairkinesthesia – Clear touching

I highly encourage seeking out of specific meditations to assist you in opening these abilities. This will be the doorway through which your connection with spirit becomes stronger.

A tip to open your clairvoyance ability:

1. Put your finger between your eyes on the bridge of your nose then push up slightly toward the center of your forehead.

2. Take a deep breath.

3. Imagine an eye opening wide here. This is where your third eye is located. See the details of this eye. Is it round or almond shaped? Are the lashes long or short? Is there color?

4. Be mindful of this wide open eye as you go through your day.

5. Each morning and night say out loud, “I have intention to keep my third eye open.”

6. Honor the information that comes.

Your clairvoyant ability is present. It is just a matter of opening the door to it. Opening our clair abilities was meant to be fun. Enjoy the process!

Some Final Things to Remember

As your connection to spirit grows, your dreams will be one of the best ways to receive messages. Before you go to bed at night, simply ask spirit to come. Then, expect and intend their arrival, albeit on their time. Pay attention to the last dream before you wake and notice any colors, symbols, words and people that present. You will know it is your loved one present because the dream is very colorful and vivid.
Spirit Circles are essential! You are the vehicle -the mechanism that is making this be. It is invaluable to spend time in development with others of like-mind, learning and growing. Find qualified teachers. Learn about how energy works. Understand chakras and auras. This all becomes your foundation.

Know that this universe is nothing but a dream bluff of nature to test your consciousness of immortality...

My heart is open to give and receive love....

Seven billion of us are collaboratively dreaming up into materialization.....

The world needs your light.... right where you are in this moment....

When you are kind to others.. it not only changes you but it too changes the world...

Feel good... always celebrate....

There is an awakening going on .. you know that...

Think twice....

Emotional health

7 excessive emotional feelings that damage body organs!

Posted by Silveryhat in Chinese Medicine on Feb. 4th, 2010

Unbalanced emotion is the biggest cause of blockages in the body. Chinese Medicine tells us that overexcitement and excessive causes damage to the heart energy.

Anger and anxiety damages the liver energy. Fears damage the kidneys. Sadness and depression damage the lung energy. Too much thinking and mental work damages the stomach and pancreas.

When a person gets angry, for example, the automatic chemical activities of the body cause energy to collect in the liver. If this energy is not removed from the live, a blockage gradually forms and our liver becomes sick.

Let’s look at how over-happiness would cause damage to the heart. When a person is very excited, the energy heats the heart first. Excess energy travels up to the brain. Once the energy gets into the brain, it is not easy to get it out, because the channel between the torso and the head is very narrow. Just like an overfilled balloon, an energy explosion could result in a stroke or heart attack.

Our ancient wisdom asks us to stay calm all the time to keep the Yin and Yang energy in a good balance.

Excess emotional activity causes severe yin-yang energy imbalances, wild aberrations in the flow of blood, qi (vital energy) blockages in the meridians and impairment of vital organ functions. Once physical damage has begun, it is insufficient to eliminate the offending emotion to affect a cure; the prolonged emotional stress will require physical action as well. The emotions represent different human reactions to certain stimuli and do not cause disease under normal conditions.

- In Traditional Chinese Medicine, joy refers to a state of agitation or overexcitement.
“When one is excessively joyful, the spirit scatters and can no longer be stored,” states the Lingshu (The Vital Axis). However, in TCM, joy refers to a states of agitation or overexcitement, rather than the more passive notion of deep contentment. The organ most affected is the heart. Over-stimulation can lead to problems of heart fire connected with such symptoms as feelings of agitation, insomnia and palpitations.

- Anger, as described by TCM, covers the full range of associated emotions including resentment, irritability, and frustration.
An excess of rich blood makes one prone to anger. Anger will thus affect the liver, resulting in stagnation of liver qi (vital energy). This can lead to liver energy rising to the head, resulting in headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms. In the long run it can result in high blood pressure and can cause problems with the stomach and the spleen. It is commonly observed that ruddy, “full-blooded” people with flushed faces are more prone than others to sudden fits of rage at the slightest provocation.

- Anxiety can block the qi and manifest in rapid, shallow breathing.
“When one feels anxiety, the qi (vital energy) is blocked and does not move.” Anxiety injures the lungs, which control qi (vital energy) through breathing. Common symptoms of extreme anxiety are retention of breath, shallow, and irregular breathing. The shortage of breath experienced during periods of anxiety is common to everyone. Anxiety also injures the lungs’ coupled organ, the large intestine. For example, over-anxious people are prone to ulcerative colitis.

- In TCM, pensiveness or concentration is considered to be the result of thinking too much or excessive mental and intellectual stimulation.
Any activity that involves a lot of mental effort will run the risk of causing disharmony. The organ most directly at risk is the spleen. This can lead to a deficiency of spleen qi (vital energy), in turn causing worry and resulting in fatigue, lethargy, and inability to concentrate.

- The lungs are more directly involved with this emotion. A normal and healthy expression of grief can be expressed as sobbing that originates in the depths of the lungs – deep breathes and the expulsion of air with the sob. However, grief that remains unresolved and becomes chronic can create disharmony in the lungs, weakening the lung qi (vital energy). This in turn can interfere with the lung’s function of circulating qi (vital energy) around the body.

- Fear that cannot be directly addressed is likely to lead to disharmony in the kidneys.
Fear is a normal and adaptive human emotion. But when it becomes chronic and when the perceived cause of the fear cannot be directly addressed, then this is likely to lead to disharmony. The organs most at risk are the kidneys. In cases of extreme fright, the kidney’s ability to hold qi (vital energy) may be impaired leading to involuntary urination. This can be a particular problem with children.

- Fright is another emotion not specifically related to only one organ. It is distinguished from fear by its sudden, unexpected nature. Fright primarily affects the heart, especially in the initial stages, but if it persists for some time, it becomes conscious fear and moves to the kidneys.

The emotions are considered the major internal causes of disease in TCM. Emotional activity is seen as a normal, internal, physiological response to stimuli from the external environment. Within normal limits, emotions cause no disease or weakness in the body. However, when emotions become so powerful that they become uncontrollable and overwhelm or possess a person, then they can cause serious injury to the internal organs and open the door to disease. It is not the intensity as much as the prolonged duration or an extreme emotion, which causes damage. While Western physicians tend to stress the psychological aspects of psychosomatic ailments, the pathological damage to the internal organs is very real indeed and is of primary concern of the TCM practitioner.



Hey this is really true and see it will work for you too

If U were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month U r number 1....

If U were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then U r number 2...

If U were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month then U r number 3...

If U were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month then U r number 4...

If U were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then U r number 5...

If U were born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month then U r number 6...

If U were born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month then U r number 7...

If U were born on the 8th,17th,26th of any month then U r number 8...

If U were born on the 9th,18th,27th of any month then U r number 9...

Number 1

You are smart, straight talking, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest,Jealous on competing basis, kind hearted, angry, friendly, authorities, Famous person... always want to be and regarded as first on people position, they are often like to be independent, will never be under others, self confident people!

You are most likely to fall in love in the younger age, but will get marry when you mature! You are likely to have problems with people who have opposite views
And you are most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future.

If you are guy you will be very popular that everybody will have mental attraction and respect at you. You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of the parliament because you are positive and well talented in numerous issues!! But in your life you will always have some people who will work hard to bring you & your name down. This is undercover!! Coz of your smart behavior you will be hated by some people too...

Your family life is very cool, you will have a very nice partner & wonderful children... You are pioneer, independent & original...

Your best match is 4,6,8 good match is 3,5,7 !!!

Number 2

No matter what, you will be loved by every one coz your ruler is the moon and every one loves the Moon. Well.. You are a person who day dream a lot, you have very low-self confidence, you need back up for every move in your life, you are very much unpredictable. Means you do change according to time and circumstances, kind a selfish, have a very strong sense of musical, artistic talent, verbal communication.

Your attitudes are like the Moon, comes to gloom and fade away so everybody can expect changes in you. You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi who does peace love or you can be a Hitler who wants to destroy the man kind and peace (I mean in the community and your own home).

If you really have a deep thought about your own believe in God you can feel the difference which will make you stronger! Most of the time your words are a kind of would be happening true! So without any knowledge you can predict the situation. You will become poets, writers, any Artistic business people!

You are not strong in love, so you will be there and here till you get marry.. If U r a girl you will be a responsible woman in the whole family. If U r a man you will involve in fights & arguments in the family or Vice-versa. Means you will sacrifice your life for the goodness sake of Your family...You are gentle , intuitive with a broad vision, a power behind the scenes, well balanced People!!!

Your best match is 2 ,5 ,9 no other people can put up with you !!!

Number 3

You are a person of hard hearted, selfish most of the times, religious, loves to climb up in your life. You always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will put up with everything.. You have the strong word power, pretty happy face.. So wherever you go always you have got what you wanted!!! And from the birth always wanted to work hard in order to achieve something.. You will not get anything without hardwork! When you reach a man/ woman age you want other younger once to listen to you because you want younger people to respect people older than them. You do set so many examples to others.

Generally you are not a cool person. It's not easy thing dealing with you. A tough player you are! But once you like someone's attitude then here you go, what can I say? It will be a lasting friendship. You always have respect from others.

Your life seems to have lots of worries and problems but sure they won't be long.. you will always have brilliant kids!!! You love the money a bit too much so temptation will push you to endless trying and trying.. If you are a guy then it's over. Looking after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being generous and kind (except 21st born men). And number 3s you will
be such an example of how to be in the culture & life!!! If you are girl then you have good character and culture & hardworking attitude. You always follow.

You are a freedom lover, creative, ambition focused, a person who brings beauty , hope & joy to this world!!!

Your best match 6 ,9. Good match 1 ,3 ,5 !!!

Number 4

You are very stubborn too, very hard working but unlucky in important matters in life, very cool, helpful, you have rough word power.. Might put lots of people away from you, you may cause nuisance to others if you are a man, and you often understands others and their problems well. If you are a girl you are very good with studies and arts. If you are a guy you spend most of the time after girl friends (almost) at times, you will have sort of too much fun life with mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and get away with their life and you will become empty handed and don't know what to do... So be careful!! You love to spend anyway!!!

Your good will is you are always there to help family and friends. Tell you what you people are little gem! s, specially the girls.. You always fall in love in younger age as well. You often live with disappointments, for an example you have got a degree in some thing... but you will be unemployed.. or will do very ordinary jobs.

But you will take care of your family very well...All you need to be careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart. And beware of your relations too..

You are radical, patient, persistent,a bit old-fashioned, you live with foundation & order...

Your best Match 1, 8. Good match 5 ,6 , 7 !!!

Number 5

You are very popular within the community, you can get things done by just even enemies! You have a pretty good business mind, you are often have no-idea what is today is like, or tomorrow is like, you are a person who does anything when your head thinks "lets do this". You will be famous if you open up a business, get involve in share dealings, music etc.. Very popular with sense of humor ,you are the one your friends and families will always ask for help, and you are the one actually get money on credit and help your friends. You will have more than 1 relationship, but when u get settle down you will be a bit selfish anyway. Coz your other half will have a pretty good amount of control in you, be careful! You tend to go for other relationships! Contacts even you are married at times 'coz your popularity..

You are someone who get along with anyone coz the number 5 is the middle number.. Changes & freedom lovers you are! You are an explorer with magic on your face. You learn your life through experience and it's your best teacher!!!

Your best match 1 ,2 ,9. Good match 6 ,8 !!!

Number 6 are born to enjoy.. You don't care about others. I mean you are always want to enjoy your life time, you are a person.. You will be very good in either education or work wise or business management! You are talented, kind (but with only people who you think are nice), very beautiful girls and guys, popular and more than lucky with anything in your lives. All the goodness does come with you. Your mind and body is just made perfect for love.

You are lovable by any other numbers. But if you are a number 6 man, you will experience kind of looks from most girls and will involve in more than few relationships until you get married. If you are girl, most of you will get marry/engaged early. You are a caring person towards your family & friends .

If you miss the half-way mark then you are about to suffer physically and mentally. Generally you will lead a very good inner-home happiness with nothing short of. You are a person of compassion, comfort & fairness, domestic responsibility, good judgment, and after all you can heal this world wounds to make peace for every life coz you have the great power of caring talent to make this world of love one step further...

Your best match 1, 6, 9. Good match 4, 5 !!!

Number 7

You have got the attraction to anyone out there, you are realistic, very confident, happy, such a talented individual with your education, music, arts, singing, and most importantly acting too. You have real problems with bad temper! If you are a girl, you are popular with the subjects listed above.

You give up things for your parents. I mean you value your family status a lot, you will be in the top rank when you reach a certain age. If you are a guy you are popular with girls, you are a very talented too. Most of the number 7s face lots of problems with their marriage life.

Only a very few are happy. You have everything in your life, but still always number 7s have some sort of unfullfilness, such worries all their lifetime.

It's probably the Lord given you all sort of over the standard humans talents and you are about to suffer in family life. So you need to get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you don't, then you might end-up single. So take care with this issue, ok?

You are wonderful, friendly, artistic, happy person.. You are born to contribute lots to this world!!!

Your best match is 2. Good matches are 1,4 !!!

Number 8

You are a very strong personality, there's no one out there will understand you. You are very good at pointing your finger at some thing and say "this is what".
You are more likely to suffer from the early ages. I mean poverty. If your times are not good you might lose either of your parent and end up looking after your entire family. You often suffer all the way in life.

The problems will not allow you to study further, but you will learn the life in a very practical way. You are the one who will fight for justice and may die in the war too. You are normally very reserved with handful of friends and most of the time live life lonely and always prepared to help others.

Well. once you get married (which is often late) then your bad lucks will go away a bit and you! u become safe. You will face un-expected problems such as :
the error, government, poisonous animals, accidents.

You are some one with great discipline, persistence, courage, strength which will take you to success. You are a great part of a family team. You are a fighter!

Your Best match 1 ,4, 8. Good match 5 !!!

Number 9 guys are the incompatibles people in the world. You are so strong, physically and mentally... You are often have big-aims. You will work hard and hard to get there. Normally you suffer in the early age from family problems and generally you will have fighting life.. But when you achieve what you have done, it's always a big task you have done! You are so much respected in the community, you are a person who can make a challenge and successfully finish the matter off.

You are very naughty in your younger age, often beaten up by your parents and involve in fights and you seemed to have lots of injuries in your life time. But when u grow you become calm and macho type.

Love is not an easy matter for you. You are good in engineering or banking jobs because people always trust you.

Your family life is very good, but will have worries over your children.

Your such qualities are humanitarian, patient, very wise & compassionate.

You are born to achieve targets and serve every one all equally without any prejudice.

You are totally a role model to anybody in the world for a great inspiration.

Your Best match 3, 5, 6, 9. Good match 2

Don't let your age control your life... let your life control your age....

Never complain about the things your parents could not give you....


Just be eating right...



A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled and asked.

'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout.'

'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked the saint

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples.
Finally the saint explained, .

'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.

What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'

The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'

He looked at his disciples and said.

'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.

Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter because we are so deeply interconnected. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is the supreme creative act.

"Spirituality is an inner fire, a mystical sustenance that feeds our souls. The mystical journey drives us into ourselves, to a sacred flame at our center. The purpose of the religious experience is to develop the eyes by which we see this inner flame, and our capacity to live its mystery. In its presence, we are warmed and ignited. When too far from the blaze, we are cold and spiritually lifeless. We are less than human without that heat. Our connection to God is life itself." ~ Marianne Williamson

Seek beauty and truth, find yourself...

"What is coming is better than what is gone.” ~ Arabic Proverb

The trouble is you think you have time.....

In reality.. we only is seeing a little window of what's happening.....