Monday, 1 July 2013

The more you in you, the less people will be attracted... Because ego is your name. It should be the more God in you, the divinity in you that makes you attracting..

Intelligence is a gift.. 
Let us not use such intelligence 
to fight or discriminate.  
Let us not use this intelligence 
to show off, since pride is vile.  
Let us not use this intelligence
to criticize or manipulate.....

Intelligence is a gift..
It comes as skills and talents..
Just because one is skillful..
doesn't mean that others be looked down upon..
Just because one is skillful
doesn't mean that others should work for you..
Use them to be of service to all..

Intelligence is a gift
The more of you in you..
the less people be attracted..
Because your name is Ego..
It should be the more God in you..
only then all things will come in its own accord..
Because then you have this divine love...

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