Friday 31 May 2013

The war of consciousness,,,

The War On Consciousness

Children are very often extremely spiritual, often remembering their previous state in detail. Children are born pure. If this inherent spirituality is encouraged and the reality of our true nature reinforced, this would be a very different world.

However it rarely is. Those indigenous peoples who were not raised in engineered societies but only within simple cultural guidelines are very spiritual and natural. There is no “waking up”, they just never went to sleep. This is why these rich, conscious cultures and their shamans have been systematically decimated by the ugly Controllers. They do not want an awakened populace. Period. And these spiritually rich, unharnessed indigenous peoples carried this awareness and connectivity that the Controllers so despise.

So in their view the children of the world must be made to conform to a system as limiting and spiritually confining as possible. This will include drugging, mind control, restrictive false education in militaristic institutions, treadmill like jobs, mindless diversions and constant propaganda.

In other words, the imposed world system around us.

If you’re wondering why the global crack down is so fierce and Orwellian and is accelerating at break neck speed, this is why. The awakening is spreading like wildfire. And they know it. This is why predators like Zbigniew Brzezinski see the awakening as a threat and say things like “It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than it is to control them.” (See for yourself here.)

This the kind of monster we’re up against.
This is vital that we are aware that this is happening. Take A look around you! Namaste

Love & Light

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